Not everybody can predict the future,
especially us at Everything Michigan and More. However, knowing that is not going
to stop us from trying...haha
In honor of the tens of thousands of preseason predictions, I have compiled a list of predictions from the Everything Michigan and More staff.
Just a side-note, the stated records do NOT include potential bowl games. For instance, if someone predicts 8 wins, this could move up to 9 if Michigan won its bowl game.
Josh is pretty new to our staff, but has done a great job so far and is a student at the University of Michigan's Flint campus. He sees Michigan stumbling at first with losses to Notre Dame, Michigan State, Iowa, and Nebraska, but "Brady Hoke will not allow his team to lose to Ohio." This leaves Michigan at 8-4 headed to a pretty good bowl game.
The next Everything Michigan writers seems to be following Josh's trend of 8-4 finishes. Brett has Michigan at 8-4 with losses to Notre Dame, Michigan State, Nebraska, and Ohio State. This is hardly what most Michigan fans would want, but it could be viewed as an improvement in some ways.
Scott Gromnicki @scotlarock727
Scott also predicts 8-4, and thinks we will lose against Notre Dame, Michigan State, Nebraska, and "ohio", "Which I have no doubt would not sit well with the fan base". This would possibly be the worst way the team could finish 8-4, unless of course the Nebraska loss was substituted for Eastern or Western Michigan perhaps. He points out he could make a better determination after he watches the Michigan vs Notre Dame game. Regardless, the team should still be able to go to a nice bowl game and compete for a victory.
Jeff predicted another 8-4 year with wins against Notre Dame and Ohio State. A fourth straight loss against Michigan
State would sting, but ending the streak against Ohio State and winning Under the Lights would probably make up for that in any fan's mind. Plus, the chance to win a decent bowl game will thrill most of the fanbase.
Thomas Beindit @sitdown248
Well, I saved the best for last...haha I think Michigan ends the season at 9-3. Brady Hoke really revitalizes this Michigan team, but he benefits more from other team's problems than Michigan's improvement. Michigan loses against Notre Dame after coming down from a halftime deficit, but ends up winning in East Lansing and shocking the nation with a win over Ohio State. Michigan also most likely loses to Nebraska and Iowa or Northwestern, but probably Iowa.
To me, I think Michigan's offense with Denard Robinson and Michael Shaw will just have too much firepower to contain for almost everyone. Along with this, I expect a big pickup on defense with more mature players, better schemes, and better skills. Finally, the special teams improvement, particularly with Matt Wile, should help the team get over the edge against many opponents.
Regardless of the predictions, we're all excited for the real thing this fall! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and let us know your picks or tweet our official twitter: